Focus on local projects / companies, & diverse CDR pathways

Focus on local projects / companies, & diverse CDR pathways

All projects selected during the procurement pilot must either be Irish companies, located within Ireland and its waters, and/or initiated by private sector firms that have a substantial operational presence in Ireland. By design the pilot should support a portfolio of CDR pathways, rather than a narrow set of solutions. A portfolio approach will maximise learning gained from the pilot phase; and will allow value-adding CDR integration across multiple existing sectors within Ireland.


Limiting the projects to Irish-based will likely mean little to no engineered CDR will be included for the next 5ish years. Unfortunately we're all still too new to divert development plans geographically without significant financial incentive, on order of the DOE DAC funding. I propose softening geographic requirements until 2030, when technologies are further scaled and ready for replication in different geographies.

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